Saturday, July 28, 2012

Watching the Olympics While High

I am currently watching the 2nd night of the London 2012 Olympic Games! I watched most of the Opening Ceremony last night while I was super high! Watching the history of Great Britain was like watching a movie. It was super trippy. Then during the parade of nations (is that what it's called?) I fell asleep. So I got high tonight and decided to finish watching the opening ceremony and DAMN! Those doves riding bicycles??? Freaked me out! Ha! It was like watching ET!  Oh I forgot to mention, I loved the whole Voldemort vs. Mary Poppins vs. Alice in Wonderland bit! It was absolutely psychotic! The fireworks at the end were absolutely amazing too! I just stared at it for what felt like an hour. So after watching the opening ceremony, I started to watch the women's volleyball game and it was hard to watch! The ball didn't look like it was moving, but was floating in the air over their heads. I couldn't watch it. It was too frustrating! The rowing was cool because it looks they are sliding along ice and not in water. It's so smooth and seamless with their rowing! I cannot write very well while high. Not sure how much I can write. Sean turned off the Olympics to watch Chris Hardwick? What the hell, people?