45 of the most random things you probably never needed to know about someone | |
whats your name spelt backwards?: | aneehs |
What did you do last night?: | went grocery shopping |
The last thing you downloaded onto your computer?: | Yahoo Messenger |
Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery?: | yes |
Last time you swam in a pool?: | July 4th |
What are you wearing?: | blue t-shirt, blue gym shorts |
How many cars have you owned?: | 3 |
Type of music you dislike most?: | Jazz |
Are you registered to vote?: | Yes |
Do you have cable?: | Yes |
What kind of computer do you use?: | Compaq and IBM |
Ever made a prank phone call?: | no |
You like anyone right now?: | of course |
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?: | of course, already have |
Furthest place you ever traveled?: | California |
What's your favorite comic strip?: | Garfield |
Do u know all the words to the national anthem?: | pretty close |
Shower, morning or night?: | morning |
Best movie you've seen in the past month?: | Failure to Launch |
Favorite pizza toppings?: | pepperoni & cheese |
Chips or popcorn?: | chips |
What cell phone provider do you have?: | Cingular :( |
Have you ever smoked peanut shells?: | no |
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?: | no |
Orange Juice or apple?: | neither |
Who were the last people you sat at lunch with?: | my husband |
favorite chocolate bar?: | Mr. Goodbar |
Who is your longest friend and how long?: | Amanda........since I was 5 |
Last time you ate a homegrown tomato?: | ew never |
Have you ever won a trophy?: | no |
Favorite arcade game?: | Pacman |
Ever ordered from an infomercial?: | no way |
Sprite or 7-UP?: | Sprite |
Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work?: | yes to work |
Last thing you bought at Walgreens?: | gummi worms |
Ever thrown up in public?: | no |
Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?: | finding true love |
Do you believe in love at first sight?: | I believe in lust at first sight |
Did you have long hair as a young kid?: | sometimes |
What message is on your voicemail machine?: | a normal one |
Where would you like to go right now?: | bed |
Whats the name of your pet?: | Christopher |
What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it?: | Jansport, notebook and textbooks |
What do you think about most?: | Sean |
Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Bzoink survey
Thursday, June 01, 2006
We're Married!!!!
We finally got married on May 12, 2006 in the Atlanta Temple.
more to come...
more to come...
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
Nothing new is going on. Everything in my life is boring right now. Yep, it's all boring. Nothing exciting here. Nothing to see here, folks. Nothing to see here.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
I'm updating! Yea!
Nothing is going on right now. Nothing new is happening. My life is very boring. Nothing to see here, folks. Nothing to see here.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Okay I'm bored so shoot me.....
I see: The computer screen and my insurance paperwork on my desk right in front of it.
I need: My school loan refund check to go through already so I can have money!
I find: 3 name tags for work that I don't really need anymore.
I want: Sean to be at my house already so I can give him a gigantic HUG!
I have: 3 quarters to my name.
I wish: To be happy in whatever decisions I make about my life.
I love: My family, friends, Sean, and Mark Wahlberg.
I hate: Stupid People
I miss: My nephew and brother
I fear: Being abducted by aliens
I feel: Happy that things are going very well with Sean
I hear: the washer, dryer, and the TV in my mom's room
I smell: Something stinky in my room
I crave: Hot dogs and hot dogs I'm gonna get!
I search: For the love of my life. Oh wait......I found him!
I wonder: Why do we have 10 fingers and 10 toes?
I regret: Being mean to the people I love and care about
When was the last time you ...
Smiled?: When I talked to Sean on the phone about 30 minutes ago.
Laughed?: Either when I talked to Sean or Kelly
Cried?: When Topanga ran away from her family in Pittsburgh to be with her love, Cory, on Boy Meets World
Bought something?: I bought donut holes and a drink this morning
Danced?: Last week I danced with Sean in Kim's living room
Were sarcastic?: I'm never sarcastic! ;)
Kissed someone?: Last night when I went to Sean's house after class
Talked to an ex?: Geez.......I don't even know. It's been like a long time. A year or 2 maybe?
Watched your favorite movie?: I don't remember that either. A couple of months ago I believe.
Had a nightmare?: I'm always having nightmares.
A Last time for everything ...
Last book you read: In full? Random Family. Currently reading? Honky
Last movie you saw: The Replacements
Last song you heard: "Yeah"
Last thing you had to drink: Kroger Water! OH yeah!
Last time you showered: This morning
Last thing you ate: Sesame chicken and rice
Do You ...
Smoke?: No
Do drugs?: Nope
Have sex?: Nope
Sleep with stuffed animals?: I haven't in a long time
Live in the moment?: Sometimes
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes he is awesome!
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Yes....I live inside this gigantic teddy bear
Play an instrument?: I played trumpet in middle school and my dad taught me how to play the drums and I can play the keyboard with my right hand
Believe there is life on other planets?: It's stupid to believe we are all alone, but I don't think there is other life in this universe
Remember your first love?: Yeah of course I remember him. He was my first love after all.
Still love him/her?: As far as I know, I do not.
Read the newspaper?: Hmmm....sometimes.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Yeah I have gay guy friends. I'm kinda lacking in the lesbian friend dept though, but I would have no problem with it if I did.
Believe in miracles?: Yes.....I am a miracle!
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: I think it is possible, but you have to truly love the person you are with.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Hmmm......I can sometimes be tolerant. Other times...NOT AT ALL!
Consider love a mistake?: No way.....you can sometimes think that, but it's never a mistake for real.
Like the taste of alcohol?: Nope. Puke me out squared!
Have a favorite candy?: Anything gummy and starburst
Believe in astrology?: I find astrology entertaining
Believe in magic?: I am always skeptical
Believe in God?: Yes definitely
Pray?: I should pray more than I do, but I definitely believe in the power of prayer.
Go to church?: Yes! I love church! I go more than once a week!
Have any secrets?: Of course....who doesn't?
Have any pets: A chihuhua named Poochie and cat named Moonie
Do well in school?: Not as well as I used to do.....I could do a lot better than I have for the past couple of semesters
Go to or plan to go to college?: I go to Georgia State University
Have a major?: My major is Sociology.
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: Sometimes.....I usually won't answer people who don't have their profile filled in......always makes me think they are trying to hide something.
Wear hats?: During the winter I'll wear a beanie, but otherwise not really
Have any piercings?: I've had my ears pierced now about 5 times.....I'm going to stop trying so the answer is no...I don't have any.
Have any tattoos?: Nope and I don't really plan on ever getting one.
Hate yourself?: Naw.....I love myself. There are certain things about myself that I don't like, but I don't hate myself as a whole.
Have an obsession?: I obsess over everything that I find cool. Skydiving would be the biggest one I've had.
Have a secret crush?: Yes but I don't think it's so secret.
Do they know yet?: Of course they do!
Collect anything?: I used to collect DVDs, but I have ran out of money.
Have a best friend?: Yes....My sister, Sean :), and Laura White
Wish on stars?: Very occassionally.....I have to be in that type of mood
Like your handwriting?: Well growing up I always thought I had horrible handwriting, but people always complimented me on having such awesome handwriting. Soooo I guess I like it now.
Have any bad habits?: I bite my nails and I live in a cluttered mess.
Care about looks?: Sort of but it's not that important to me
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: He's hot!
Friends and other people?: My friends are very different in their looks. So I really don't care how they look. I am not superficial.
Believe in witches?: Eh......don't think so
Believe in Satan?: Sure
Believe in ghosts?: Yes......I'm scared of ghosts
001) What time are you starting this?: 6:11 pm
002) Name?: Sheena
003) Date of birth?: March 3, 1984
004) Sex?: female
005) Height?: 5'5"
006) Eye color?: Blue
007) Weight?: Nunya Business!
008) Location?: Parent's house in Marietta, GA
009) Where were you born?: Cobb Hospital in Austell, GA
010) Have you ever failed a grade?: nope
011) If you have, what grade did you fail? nope
012) Do you have crush on someone?: Yes
013) Do you have a bf/gf?: Yes
014) If so, what is their name: SEAN!
015) How long have you been together?: Four and a half months and it keeps getting better and better.
016) What are you wearing right now?: My work clothes STILL! I really need to change.
017) Would you have sex before marriage?: Me thinks no!
018) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: Ew never! They were all old or female!
020) Do you smoke?: no
021) Do you drink?: Nope. Yay for having broken my leg and getting away from skydiving!
022) Are you ghetto?: Sometimes I act sooo ghetto and sometimes I'm just another white girl
023) Are you a player?: Nope. Not at all.
024) What are your favorite colors?: Purple and Blue
025) What is your favorite animal?: Koala Bear
026) Do you have any birthmarks?: I have one in the shape of a heart on my inner right thigh
027) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: Yeah, but I kicked her butt right back
028) Who are your best friends? Deja vu! Bekkah, Sean, and Laura!
029) Have you ever beat someone up? Yes.......I felt bad about it too
030) Who do you talk to most on the phone?: Right now, it's a tie between Kelly and Sean. Actually I think I talk to Kelly more because I see Sean more.
031) Have you ever been slapped?: Yes
032) Do you get online a lot?: Not as much as I used to
033) Are you shy or outgoing?: I can be both at times. I'm shy when you first get to know me, but I can be really outgoing once I'm comfortable with you.
034) Do you shower?: Hmmm.....what a tough question....I think I just might.......
035) Do you hate school?: No I love it.
036) Do you have a social life?: Yes! And I love my friends and my boyfriend!
037) How easily do you trust people? WAYYYY too easily. I am too trusting to a fault.
038) Have you ever lied to your best friends?: Not any major lies.....just like stupid little ones that don't matter much
039) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: Doesn't everyone?
040) Would you ever sky dive?: HECK YEAH I would! That's like asking Pamela Anderson if she's ever had any work done.
041) Do you like to dance?: Yeah, but I have no rhythm
068) Have you ever been out of state?: Why of course I have
069) Do you like to travel?: I would like to do it more than I do right now
070) Have you ever been expelled from school?: Never
071) Have you ever been suspended from school?: No, but I have had in-school-suspension
071) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: Eh.....I could take it or leave it.
072) Are you spoiled?: I'm about as spoiled as a poor child can be. I never got everything I wanted, but I was waited on hand and foot growing up. My mommy loves me!
073) Are you a brat?: Only to my sister.
074) Have you ever been dumped?: No......I'm surprised I haven't
075) Have you ever gotten high?: How am I supposed to answer that question without incriminating myself?
076) What's your favorite drink?: Dr. Pepper
077) Do you like Snapple?: No
078) Do you drink a lot of water?: Yes I love ice water
079) What toothpaste do you use?: Colgate Total Plus Whitening
080) Do you have a cell phone or pager?: I have a cell phone
081) Do you have a curfew?: No, but I do respect my parents enough to not make them worry about where I'm at in the middle of the night. I always try to be home before they wake up in the morning.
082) Who do you look up to?: My friends who are total examples to me. I love them!
083) Are you a role model?: I'd be surprised if I was
085) What name brand do you wear the most?: Old Navy definitely
086) What kind of jewelry do you wear?: Necklaces mainly
087) What do you have pierced?: Nothing
088) What do you want pierced?: Ears for the 20th time
089) Do you like taking pictures?: Yeah it's way fun
090) Do you like getting your picture taken?: Yeah.....I'm such a cheeser
091) Do you have a tan?: Yeah all natural baby!
092) Do you get annoyed easily?: Yeah....which is no good when I'm working at customer service
093) Have you ever started a rumor?: Yes unfortunately and I felt REALLY REALLY horrible about it....I cried for days
094) Do you have your own phone/phone line?: I have my own cell phone......
095) Do you have your own pool?: No
096) Do you have any siblings?: a sister named Bekkah and a brother named Eric
097) Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: Neither! ;) Just kidding! I prefer my guy to wear garments!
098) Have you ever been played?: Yes I believe I have so I ended it before it went any further than it did
099) Have you ever played anyone?: Not that I'm aware of
100) Do you get along with your parents?: Yeah for the most part...my dad annoys the crap out of me, but I love him
102) How do you vent your anger?: I usually get really red in the face and start screaming and crying.....then I'll get in my car and drive somewhere
103) Have you ever run away?: Naw not for real.....I always pretended like I did though
104) Have you ever been fired from a job?: Nope I've always quit.
105) Do you even have a job?: Yes and I just got a promotion without the raise and a cut in hours.
106) Do you daydream a lot?: yeah and it gets me into trouble in class b/c I don't pay attention
107) Do you have a lot of exes?: naw only like 2......
108) Do you run your mouth?: I can.......so yeah sometimes
109) What do you want a tattoo of?: none
110) What do you have a tattoo of?: none
111) What are your favorite flowers?: Sunflowers
112) What does your ex bf/gf look like?: First one.....scrawny kid with red hair and like no tan whatsoever.........Second one.....kinda tallish,light brownish hair,pretty eyes,a little goatee,cute computer dude.....I swear I'm leaving a couple people out......they must have not mattered much
113) What does your most recent crush look like?: Like Sean *LOL*
114) Have you ever been bitched out?: Yeah of course Who hasn't?
115) When was the last time you bitched someone out?: I don't know. Unfortunately I'm sure Sean could answer that question for me.
116) Are you rude? Not knowingly
117) What was the last compliment you received?: Sean thinks I'm beautiful.
118) Do you like getting dirty?: definitely not....I don't wash my hands every 5 minutes, but I really hate to get my hands dirty
119) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: DEEP innie! you can fit your whole fist in there
120) Are you flexible?: Not one bit
121) What is your heritage?: English, German, Irish
122) What is your lucky number?: 3, 33, 303
123) What does your hair look like right now?: Straight and starting to get a little greasy
124) Could you ever be a vegetarian?: I'm not hardcore into meat, but I always like the option
125) When was your last real heartbreak?: 2 and a half years ago when someone I thought I loved did something very horrible to me.
126) Describe your looks?: Tan....blue eyed....5'5" but has to buy the short size in pants
127) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: a lighter brown..not quite blonde
128) Would you ever date someone younger than you?: I have in the past, but I think I'm good to go right now.
129) Would you ever date someone older than you?: I am right now!
130) When was the last time you were drunk?: Should I even answer this? I can't remember would sound bad...........
131) When was the last time you went on a date?: Not sure what you would call a date. I was with Sean last night though!
135) Have you ever had an eating disorder?: No but when I was a teenager I always thought it would be cool if I did. I could never do it though.
136) Do you have one now?: no
137) How many rings until you answer the phone?: I never answer the home phone and my cell phone doesn't have rings.
138) Have you ever been skinny dipping?: No can't say that I have
139) If yes, when was the last time?: N/A
140) Do you look more like your mother or father?: My mama...I look like my dad too
141) Do you cry a lot?: eh......not a WHOLE lot
142) Do you ever cry to get your way?: No
143) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be?: Left arm right below the elbow
144) What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: Yeah dude
145) Are you the romantic type?: Maybe Sean should answer this one too.
146) Have you ever been chased by cops?: No
147) What do you like most about your body?: My eyes
148) What do you like least about your body?: My Butt
150) When was the last time you threw up?: Yesterday morning. It's becoming a lot more frequent.
151) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: Blonde hair, blue eyed guys named Sean are HOT!
152) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: Crappy old Reeboks. I need new shoes something bad.
153) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: Never
154) What about cleavage?: Sometimes....but I am very modest
155) Is your best friend a virgin?: 2 of them I believe are. The other one....not so much.
158) What color are your underwear right now?: Pink!
159) What theme does your room have?: little girl's haven...dolls all over the place and painted light pink
160) What size shoe do you wear?: 8 - 8.5
161) What jewelry are you wearing now?: Nothing
162) What is your screen name on AIM?: TyphoidWeave
163) Would you pick a wedgie in public?: Yeah I have
164) How are you feeling right now?: Ready for this survey to be over
165) When was the last time you were at a party?: Sunday at Jenean's for game night
166) Have you ever given a lapdance?: Nope There is no way I could do that
167) What do you sleep in?: Normally whatever I was wearing that day
168) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: Recently yes. There have been lots of rumors saying that I am engaged.
171) Would you marry for money?: I say no
172) What do you drive?: Dark Green 99 Honda Civic...I love my baby!
173) Have you ever given or received roadhead?: can't say that I have....and I can't believe I just answered that question.
174) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child?: Mama's Girl totally
177) When was the last time you cried in school?: I don't think I ever cried in college. Sometime in high school I guess.
179) For two million dollars, would you pose for Playboy?: HECK NOOOOO
180) What time are you finishing this?: 6:29 pm
I see: The computer screen and my insurance paperwork on my desk right in front of it.
I need: My school loan refund check to go through already so I can have money!
I find: 3 name tags for work that I don't really need anymore.
I want: Sean to be at my house already so I can give him a gigantic HUG!
I have: 3 quarters to my name.
I wish: To be happy in whatever decisions I make about my life.
I love: My family, friends, Sean, and Mark Wahlberg.
I hate: Stupid People
I miss: My nephew and brother
I fear: Being abducted by aliens
I feel: Happy that things are going very well with Sean
I hear: the washer, dryer, and the TV in my mom's room
I smell: Something stinky in my room
I crave: Hot dogs and hot dogs I'm gonna get!
I search: For the love of my life. Oh wait......I found him!
I wonder: Why do we have 10 fingers and 10 toes?
I regret: Being mean to the people I love and care about
When was the last time you ...
Smiled?: When I talked to Sean on the phone about 30 minutes ago.
Laughed?: Either when I talked to Sean or Kelly
Cried?: When Topanga ran away from her family in Pittsburgh to be with her love, Cory, on Boy Meets World
Bought something?: I bought donut holes and a drink this morning
Danced?: Last week I danced with Sean in Kim's living room
Were sarcastic?: I'm never sarcastic! ;)
Kissed someone?: Last night when I went to Sean's house after class
Talked to an ex?: Geez.......I don't even know. It's been like a long time. A year or 2 maybe?
Watched your favorite movie?: I don't remember that either. A couple of months ago I believe.
Had a nightmare?: I'm always having nightmares.
A Last time for everything ...
Last book you read: In full? Random Family. Currently reading? Honky
Last movie you saw: The Replacements
Last song you heard: "Yeah"
Last thing you had to drink: Kroger Water! OH yeah!
Last time you showered: This morning
Last thing you ate: Sesame chicken and rice
Do You ...
Smoke?: No
Do drugs?: Nope
Have sex?: Nope
Sleep with stuffed animals?: I haven't in a long time
Live in the moment?: Sometimes
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes he is awesome!
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: Yes....I live inside this gigantic teddy bear
Play an instrument?: I played trumpet in middle school and my dad taught me how to play the drums and I can play the keyboard with my right hand
Believe there is life on other planets?: It's stupid to believe we are all alone, but I don't think there is other life in this universe
Remember your first love?: Yeah of course I remember him. He was my first love after all.
Still love him/her?: As far as I know, I do not.
Read the newspaper?: Hmmm....sometimes.
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: Yeah I have gay guy friends. I'm kinda lacking in the lesbian friend dept though, but I would have no problem with it if I did.
Believe in miracles?: Yes.....I am a miracle!
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: I think it is possible, but you have to truly love the person you are with.
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Hmmm......I can sometimes be tolerant. Other times...NOT AT ALL!
Consider love a mistake?: No way.....you can sometimes think that, but it's never a mistake for real.
Like the taste of alcohol?: Nope. Puke me out squared!
Have a favorite candy?: Anything gummy and starburst
Believe in astrology?: I find astrology entertaining
Believe in magic?: I am always skeptical
Believe in God?: Yes definitely
Pray?: I should pray more than I do, but I definitely believe in the power of prayer.
Go to church?: Yes! I love church! I go more than once a week!
Have any secrets?: Of course....who doesn't?
Have any pets: A chihuhua named Poochie and cat named Moonie
Do well in school?: Not as well as I used to do.....I could do a lot better than I have for the past couple of semesters
Go to or plan to go to college?: I go to Georgia State University
Have a major?: My major is Sociology.
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: Sometimes.....I usually won't answer people who don't have their profile filled in......always makes me think they are trying to hide something.
Wear hats?: During the winter I'll wear a beanie, but otherwise not really
Have any piercings?: I've had my ears pierced now about 5 times.....I'm going to stop trying so the answer is no...I don't have any.
Have any tattoos?: Nope and I don't really plan on ever getting one.
Hate yourself?: Naw.....I love myself. There are certain things about myself that I don't like, but I don't hate myself as a whole.
Have an obsession?: I obsess over everything that I find cool. Skydiving would be the biggest one I've had.
Have a secret crush?: Yes but I don't think it's so secret.
Do they know yet?: Of course they do!
Collect anything?: I used to collect DVDs, but I have ran out of money.
Have a best friend?: Yes....My sister, Sean :), and Laura White
Wish on stars?: Very occassionally.....I have to be in that type of mood
Like your handwriting?: Well growing up I always thought I had horrible handwriting, but people always complimented me on having such awesome handwriting. Soooo I guess I like it now.
Have any bad habits?: I bite my nails and I live in a cluttered mess.
Care about looks?: Sort of but it's not that important to me
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: He's hot!
Friends and other people?: My friends are very different in their looks. So I really don't care how they look. I am not superficial.
Believe in witches?: Eh......don't think so
Believe in Satan?: Sure
Believe in ghosts?: Yes......I'm scared of ghosts
001) What time are you starting this?: 6:11 pm
002) Name?: Sheena
003) Date of birth?: March 3, 1984
004) Sex?: female
005) Height?: 5'5"
006) Eye color?: Blue
007) Weight?: Nunya Business!
008) Location?: Parent's house in Marietta, GA
009) Where were you born?: Cobb Hospital in Austell, GA
010) Have you ever failed a grade?: nope
011) If you have, what grade did you fail? nope
012) Do you have crush on someone?: Yes
013) Do you have a bf/gf?: Yes
014) If so, what is their name: SEAN!
015) How long have you been together?: Four and a half months and it keeps getting better and better.
016) What are you wearing right now?: My work clothes STILL! I really need to change.
017) Would you have sex before marriage?: Me thinks no!
018) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: Ew never! They were all old or female!
020) Do you smoke?: no
021) Do you drink?: Nope. Yay for having broken my leg and getting away from skydiving!
022) Are you ghetto?: Sometimes I act sooo ghetto and sometimes I'm just another white girl
023) Are you a player?: Nope. Not at all.
024) What are your favorite colors?: Purple and Blue
025) What is your favorite animal?: Koala Bear
026) Do you have any birthmarks?: I have one in the shape of a heart on my inner right thigh
027) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: Yeah, but I kicked her butt right back
028) Who are your best friends? Deja vu! Bekkah, Sean, and Laura!
029) Have you ever beat someone up? Yes.......I felt bad about it too
030) Who do you talk to most on the phone?: Right now, it's a tie between Kelly and Sean. Actually I think I talk to Kelly more because I see Sean more.
031) Have you ever been slapped?: Yes
032) Do you get online a lot?: Not as much as I used to
033) Are you shy or outgoing?: I can be both at times. I'm shy when you first get to know me, but I can be really outgoing once I'm comfortable with you.
034) Do you shower?: Hmmm.....what a tough question....I think I just might.......
035) Do you hate school?: No I love it.
036) Do you have a social life?: Yes! And I love my friends and my boyfriend!
037) How easily do you trust people? WAYYYY too easily. I am too trusting to a fault.
038) Have you ever lied to your best friends?: Not any major lies.....just like stupid little ones that don't matter much
039) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?: Doesn't everyone?
040) Would you ever sky dive?: HECK YEAH I would! That's like asking Pamela Anderson if she's ever had any work done.
041) Do you like to dance?: Yeah, but I have no rhythm
068) Have you ever been out of state?: Why of course I have
069) Do you like to travel?: I would like to do it more than I do right now
070) Have you ever been expelled from school?: Never
071) Have you ever been suspended from school?: No, but I have had in-school-suspension
071) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: Eh.....I could take it or leave it.
072) Are you spoiled?: I'm about as spoiled as a poor child can be. I never got everything I wanted, but I was waited on hand and foot growing up. My mommy loves me!
073) Are you a brat?: Only to my sister.
074) Have you ever been dumped?: No......I'm surprised I haven't
075) Have you ever gotten high?: How am I supposed to answer that question without incriminating myself?
076) What's your favorite drink?: Dr. Pepper
077) Do you like Snapple?: No
078) Do you drink a lot of water?: Yes I love ice water
079) What toothpaste do you use?: Colgate Total Plus Whitening
080) Do you have a cell phone or pager?: I have a cell phone
081) Do you have a curfew?: No, but I do respect my parents enough to not make them worry about where I'm at in the middle of the night. I always try to be home before they wake up in the morning.
082) Who do you look up to?: My friends who are total examples to me. I love them!
083) Are you a role model?: I'd be surprised if I was
085) What name brand do you wear the most?: Old Navy definitely
086) What kind of jewelry do you wear?: Necklaces mainly
087) What do you have pierced?: Nothing
088) What do you want pierced?: Ears for the 20th time
089) Do you like taking pictures?: Yeah it's way fun
090) Do you like getting your picture taken?: Yeah.....I'm such a cheeser
091) Do you have a tan?: Yeah all natural baby!
092) Do you get annoyed easily?: Yeah....which is no good when I'm working at customer service
093) Have you ever started a rumor?: Yes unfortunately and I felt REALLY REALLY horrible about it....I cried for days
094) Do you have your own phone/phone line?: I have my own cell phone......
095) Do you have your own pool?: No
096) Do you have any siblings?: a sister named Bekkah and a brother named Eric
097) Do you prefer boxers or briefs?: Neither! ;) Just kidding! I prefer my guy to wear garments!
098) Have you ever been played?: Yes I believe I have so I ended it before it went any further than it did
099) Have you ever played anyone?: Not that I'm aware of
100) Do you get along with your parents?: Yeah for the most part...my dad annoys the crap out of me, but I love him
102) How do you vent your anger?: I usually get really red in the face and start screaming and crying.....then I'll get in my car and drive somewhere
103) Have you ever run away?: Naw not for real.....I always pretended like I did though
104) Have you ever been fired from a job?: Nope I've always quit.
105) Do you even have a job?: Yes and I just got a promotion without the raise and a cut in hours.
106) Do you daydream a lot?: yeah and it gets me into trouble in class b/c I don't pay attention
107) Do you have a lot of exes?: naw only like 2......
108) Do you run your mouth?: I can.......so yeah sometimes
109) What do you want a tattoo of?: none
110) What do you have a tattoo of?: none
111) What are your favorite flowers?: Sunflowers
112) What does your ex bf/gf look like?: First one.....scrawny kid with red hair and like no tan whatsoever.........Second one.....kinda tallish,light brownish hair,pretty eyes,a little goatee,cute computer dude.....I swear I'm leaving a couple people out......they must have not mattered much
113) What does your most recent crush look like?: Like Sean *LOL*
114) Have you ever been bitched out?: Yeah of course Who hasn't?
115) When was the last time you bitched someone out?: I don't know. Unfortunately I'm sure Sean could answer that question for me.
116) Are you rude? Not knowingly
117) What was the last compliment you received?: Sean thinks I'm beautiful.
118) Do you like getting dirty?: definitely not....I don't wash my hands every 5 minutes, but I really hate to get my hands dirty
119) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie?: DEEP innie! you can fit your whole fist in there
120) Are you flexible?: Not one bit
121) What is your heritage?: English, German, Irish
122) What is your lucky number?: 3, 33, 303
123) What does your hair look like right now?: Straight and starting to get a little greasy
124) Could you ever be a vegetarian?: I'm not hardcore into meat, but I always like the option
125) When was your last real heartbreak?: 2 and a half years ago when someone I thought I loved did something very horrible to me.
126) Describe your looks?: Tan....blue eyed....5'5" but has to buy the short size in pants
127) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color?: a lighter brown..not quite blonde
128) Would you ever date someone younger than you?: I have in the past, but I think I'm good to go right now.
129) Would you ever date someone older than you?: I am right now!
130) When was the last time you were drunk?: Should I even answer this? I can't remember would sound bad...........
131) When was the last time you went on a date?: Not sure what you would call a date. I was with Sean last night though!
135) Have you ever had an eating disorder?: No but when I was a teenager I always thought it would be cool if I did. I could never do it though.
136) Do you have one now?: no
137) How many rings until you answer the phone?: I never answer the home phone and my cell phone doesn't have rings.
138) Have you ever been skinny dipping?: No can't say that I have
139) If yes, when was the last time?: N/A
140) Do you look more like your mother or father?: My mama...I look like my dad too
141) Do you cry a lot?: eh......not a WHOLE lot
142) Do you ever cry to get your way?: No
143) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be?: Left arm right below the elbow
144) What phrase do you use most when on the phone?: Yeah dude
145) Are you the romantic type?: Maybe Sean should answer this one too.
146) Have you ever been chased by cops?: No
147) What do you like most about your body?: My eyes
148) What do you like least about your body?: My Butt
150) When was the last time you threw up?: Yesterday morning. It's becoming a lot more frequent.
151) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: Blonde hair, blue eyed guys named Sean are HOT!
152) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: Crappy old Reeboks. I need new shoes something bad.
153) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly?: Never
154) What about cleavage?: Sometimes....but I am very modest
155) Is your best friend a virgin?: 2 of them I believe are. The other one....not so much.
158) What color are your underwear right now?: Pink!
159) What theme does your room have?: little girl's haven...dolls all over the place and painted light pink
160) What size shoe do you wear?: 8 - 8.5
161) What jewelry are you wearing now?: Nothing
162) What is your screen name on AIM?: TyphoidWeave
163) Would you pick a wedgie in public?: Yeah I have
164) How are you feeling right now?: Ready for this survey to be over
165) When was the last time you were at a party?: Sunday at Jenean's for game night
166) Have you ever given a lapdance?: Nope There is no way I could do that
167) What do you sleep in?: Normally whatever I was wearing that day
168) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: Recently yes. There have been lots of rumors saying that I am engaged.
171) Would you marry for money?: I say no
172) What do you drive?: Dark Green 99 Honda Civic...I love my baby!
173) Have you ever given or received roadhead?: can't say that I have....and I can't believe I just answered that question.
174) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child?: Mama's Girl totally
177) When was the last time you cried in school?: I don't think I ever cried in college. Sometime in high school I guess.
179) For two million dollars, would you pose for Playboy?: HECK NOOOOO
180) What time are you finishing this?: 6:29 pm
Just like copy and paste it...then mark the ones you have seen, and add five of your own at the bottom....
(X)Napoleon Dynamite
( )Saw
( )White Noise
( )White Oleander
(X)Anger Management
(X)50 First Dates
(X)Jason X
(X)Scream 2
(X)Scream 3
(X)Scary Movie
(X)Scary Movie 2
(X)Scary Movie 3
(X)American Pie
(x)American Pie 2
(x)American Wedding
(X)Harry Potter
(x)Harry Potter 2
(x)Harry Potter 3
( )Resident Evil I
(X)Resident Evil 2
(X)The Wedding Singer
(X)Little Black Book
(X)The Village
( )Donnie Darko
(x)Lilo & Stitch
(X)Finding Nemo
(X)Finding Neverland
(X)13 Ghosts
(X)The Grinch
( )Texas Chainsaw Massacre
(x)White Chicks
(X)Butterfly Effect
(x)Thirteen going on 30
( )I,Robot
(x)Dodge ball
( )Universal Soldier
(X)A Series Of Unfortunate Events
( )Along Came A Spider
(x)Deep impact
( )KingPin
(X)Never Been Kissed
(X)Meet The Parents
(X)Meet The Fockers
( )Eight Crazy Nights
( )I Heart Huckabees
(X)The Terminal
( )Passport to Paris
(X)Dumb & Dumber
( )Dumb & Dumberer
(X)Final Destination
(x)Final Destination 2
(X)The Ring
(X)The Ring 2
( )Harold & Kumar (white castle)
(X)Practical Magic
( )Chicago
(X)Ghost Ship
( )From Hell
( )Hellboy
(X)Secret Window
( )I Am Sam
(x)The Whole Nine Yards
(X)The Day After Tomorrow
(X)Child's Play
( )Bride of Chucky
(X)Ten Things I Hate About You
(X)Just Married
(X)A Nightmare on Elm Street
(x)Sixteen Candles
( )Bad Boys 2
(X)Joy Ride
(X)Seven (SE7EN)
(X)Oceans Eleven
( )Oceans Twelve
(X)Lone Star
(X)Predator I
(X)Predator II
(X)Independence Day
( )A Bronx Tale
( )Darkness Falls
( )The Phantom of the Opera
(X) ET
(X)Children of the Corn
(X)My Boss' daughter
(X)Maid in Manhattan
( )Frailty
( )Best Bet
(x)How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
(X)She's All That
(X)Calendar Girls
( )Sideways
(X)Mars Attacks
( )Event Horizon
(X)Ever after
(X)Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
( )Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
( )Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
( )Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
( )Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
( )Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
(X)Star Wars: A New Hope
(X)Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
(X)Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
(X)Miss Congeneality
( )Real Women Have Curves
(X)The Italian Job
(x)The Princess Bride
(X)Shakespeare in Love
(X)George of the Jungle
(X)The Lion King
( )Balto II: Wolf Quest
(X) My Cousin Vinnie
( ) Fight Club
(X) Snatch
( ) Die Mommie Die
( ) Party Monster
(X) Titanic
( ) Marci X
(X) Dolores Claiborne
(X) Misery
( ) Merlin
(x) Buffy The Vampire Slayer
( ) Trick
( ) HedWig and The Angry Inch
(x)To Wong Foo, thanks for everything, Juilie Newmar
( ) Closer
( ) Adventures In Babysitting
( ) Twister
( ) Remember The Titans
( ) Go
( ) Dazed and Confused
(X)Napoleon Dynamite
( )Saw
( )White Noise
( )White Oleander
(X)Anger Management
(X)50 First Dates
(X)Jason X
(X)Scream 2
(X)Scream 3
(X)Scary Movie
(X)Scary Movie 2
(X)Scary Movie 3
(X)American Pie
(x)American Pie 2
(x)American Wedding
(X)Harry Potter
(x)Harry Potter 2
(x)Harry Potter 3
( )Resident Evil I
(X)Resident Evil 2
(X)The Wedding Singer
(X)Little Black Book
(X)The Village
( )Donnie Darko
(x)Lilo & Stitch
(X)Finding Nemo
(X)Finding Neverland
(X)13 Ghosts
(X)The Grinch
( )Texas Chainsaw Massacre
(x)White Chicks
(X)Butterfly Effect
(x)Thirteen going on 30
( )I,Robot
(x)Dodge ball
( )Universal Soldier
(X)A Series Of Unfortunate Events
( )Along Came A Spider
(x)Deep impact
( )KingPin
(X)Never Been Kissed
(X)Meet The Parents
(X)Meet The Fockers
( )Eight Crazy Nights
( )I Heart Huckabees
(X)The Terminal
( )Passport to Paris
(X)Dumb & Dumber
( )Dumb & Dumberer
(X)Final Destination
(x)Final Destination 2
(X)The Ring
(X)The Ring 2
( )Harold & Kumar (white castle)
(X)Practical Magic
( )Chicago
(X)Ghost Ship
( )From Hell
( )Hellboy
(X)Secret Window
( )I Am Sam
(x)The Whole Nine Yards
(X)The Day After Tomorrow
(X)Child's Play
( )Bride of Chucky
(X)Ten Things I Hate About You
(X)Just Married
(X)A Nightmare on Elm Street
(x)Sixteen Candles
( )Bad Boys 2
(X)Joy Ride
(X)Seven (SE7EN)
(X)Oceans Eleven
( )Oceans Twelve
(X)Lone Star
(X)Predator I
(X)Predator II
(X)Independence Day
( )A Bronx Tale
( )Darkness Falls
( )The Phantom of the Opera
(X) ET
(X)Children of the Corn
(X)My Boss' daughter
(X)Maid in Manhattan
( )Frailty
( )Best Bet
(x)How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
(X)She's All That
(X)Calendar Girls
( )Sideways
(X)Mars Attacks
( )Event Horizon
(X)Ever after
(X)Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
( )Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
( )Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
( )Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
( )Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
( )Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith
(X)Star Wars: A New Hope
(X)Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
(X)Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
(X)Miss Congeneality
( )Real Women Have Curves
(X)The Italian Job
(x)The Princess Bride
(X)Shakespeare in Love
(X)George of the Jungle
(X)The Lion King
( )Balto II: Wolf Quest
(X) My Cousin Vinnie
( ) Fight Club
(X) Snatch
( ) Die Mommie Die
( ) Party Monster
(X) Titanic
( ) Marci X
(X) Dolores Claiborne
(X) Misery
( ) Merlin
(x) Buffy The Vampire Slayer
( ) Trick
( ) HedWig and The Angry Inch
(x)To Wong Foo, thanks for everything, Juilie Newmar
( ) Closer
( ) Adventures In Babysitting
( ) Twister
( ) Remember The Titans
( ) Go
( ) Dazed and Confused
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
I love quizzes!
You are Milk Chocolate |
![]() A total dreamer, you spend most of your time with your head in the clouds. You often think of the future, and you are always working toward your ideal life. Also nostelgic, you rarely forget a meaningful moment... even those from long ago. |
You Are a Sensitive Kisser |
![]() For you, kissing is a way to connect And you need lot of care, attention, and privacy It may take you a while to kiss someone... But when you do, it's total fireworks |
The PJ's You Are Most Like: Underwear |
![]() You enjoy the simple things in life and aren't hard to please You have an understated, easy sexyness that men love And you're confident enough to pull it off - without being overbearing |
Your 80s Heartthrob Is |
![]() Jason Bateman |
Your Life is Like |
![]() Serendipity |
You Are Summer! |
![]() Friendly Flirty Cute Fun |
You are a Great Girlfriend |
![]() When it comes to your guy, you're very thoughtful But you also haven't stopped thinking of yourself You're the perfect blend of independent and caring You're a total catch - make sure your guy knows it too! |
Your Ideal Marriage Proposal Is |
![]() Spontaneous, on a tropical vacation, when he realizes he can't be without you. |
Monday, January 16, 2006
I like wirting when I'm tired
I have had like 2 hours of sleep in the past 36 hours. I am tired. Yes I am. Sean and I spent the day together. Yay for us! WE went to Jenean's partment after church where we played games. Kelly came. YAY! I was driving home and relaized that I couldn't keep my eyes open. Now I'm at home and I'm typing on here instead of going to bed. What is wrong with me? Do I have a disease? Is it called no sleep itis or something? Maybe it's insomnia but I don't think so. What am I even talking about? My eyes are hurting from wanting to shut, but I feel that I must continue this post. I believe that Sean and Emma's feet were cut off at some point during the night at Jenean's. It was rather odd looking. I think I'm feeling sick. Where am I getting the energy to even type this whole thing? I'm typiong rather fast too which is weird because when you are tired you usually do things extra slowly. Do I have to ride the short bus to school? Oh wait I don't ride buses anymore and I"m in college. Yay for Martin Luther King Day. That man made us proud! Power to the people! I'm off tomorrow. How aobut you? The reason I'm off has nothing to do with MLK> Speaking of MLK, Sean lives off MLK. Do you think there will parades up and down the street? I like games. We should play them all the time!
I like wirting when I'm tired
I have had like 2 hours of sleep in the past 36 hours. I am tired. Yes I am. Sean and I spent the day together. Yay for us! WE went to Jenean's partment after church where we played games. Kelly came. YAY! I was driving home and relaized that I couldn't keep my eyes open. Now I'm at home and I'm typing on here instead of going to bed. What is wrong with me? Do I have a disease? Is it called no sleep itis or something? Maybe it's insomnia but I don't think so. What am I even talking about? My eyes are hurting from wanting to shut, but I feel that I must continue this post. I believe that Sean and Emma's feet were cut off at some point during the night at Jenean's. It was rather odd looking. I think I'm feeling sick. Where am I getting the energy to even type this whole thing? I'm typiong rather fast too which is weird because when you are tired you usually do things extra slowly. Do I have to ride the short bus to school? Oh wait I don't ride buses anymore and I"m in college. Yay for Martin Luther King Day. That man made us proud! Power to the people! I'm off tomorrow. How aobut you? The reason I'm off has nothing to do with MLK> Speaking of MLK, Sean lives off MLK. Do you think there will parades up and down the street? I like games. We should play them all the time!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
First Post!
I must follow in SCC's footsteps and create my own blog. Maybe I should transform this into our date log. Nah... If it's going to be my journal, it'll be our date log anyway. Hehe! So what to say? This is where these blog things become hard for me. Well, journals in general. I have no idea what to say! Okay.....well here's something.
I LOVE SCC! He's the greatest boyfriend ever!
Now that that's over with, we can start talking about my day. This afternoon, I got to see Cathryn! Yay for Cat! I miss her. It's so weird that she's preggers! It is still weird to me that she's married at all. Wow...we are growing up! We went to Applebee's. It was good except for the fact that my milkshake had sour milk in it. Yeah so that sucked. I was sick when I got home.
I got my car's emissions tested today. It passed! What a surprise. Not really.....I keep my car in pretty good shape unless I'm running into support beams or something. ;P I watched The Dukes of Hazzard when I got home. It was good except for the fact that it was the unrated version and there were topless women everywhere. SCC, take it off your queue!
Tonight was the first night of Institute for the semester. It was pretty interesting. Sister Cormican is an awesome teacher. She always talks about things that I need to hear. SCC and I were called out a few times during class. That was fun! (Sarcasm is fun too!)
Afterwards, we went to the wave with Jey and Emma. That was rockin good fun as always. I love their teri burgers! I could die happy if that was my last meal. Well, minus the pineapple and tomato of course.
So that was my day. Tomorrow will be a long one so it is time for sleep.
I LOVE SCC! He's the greatest boyfriend ever!
Now that that's over with, we can start talking about my day. This afternoon, I got to see Cathryn! Yay for Cat! I miss her. It's so weird that she's preggers! It is still weird to me that she's married at all. Wow...we are growing up! We went to Applebee's. It was good except for the fact that my milkshake had sour milk in it. Yeah so that sucked. I was sick when I got home.
I got my car's emissions tested today. It passed! What a surprise. Not really.....I keep my car in pretty good shape unless I'm running into support beams or something. ;P I watched The Dukes of Hazzard when I got home. It was good except for the fact that it was the unrated version and there were topless women everywhere. SCC, take it off your queue!
Tonight was the first night of Institute for the semester. It was pretty interesting. Sister Cormican is an awesome teacher. She always talks about things that I need to hear. SCC and I were called out a few times during class. That was fun! (Sarcasm is fun too!)
Afterwards, we went to the wave with Jey and Emma. That was rockin good fun as always. I love their teri burgers! I could die happy if that was my last meal. Well, minus the pineapple and tomato of course.
So that was my day. Tomorrow will be a long one so it is time for sleep.
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